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Investment Objetive

Similar to Cartesio X. Long term capital appreciation in real term sin Euros. Seeks higher risk adjusted returns (Sharpe ratio) the Euro government bonds (Barclays series Euro Gov 7-10 yr BOND Index). Strong emphasis on capital protection.

Asset Allocation

Fixed income exposure (0-100%), no more tan 20% invested in high-yield. Exposure to equities is limited to a máximum of 40% of assets. Reference currency: Euro. Currency exposure limited to 20% of assets.

Monthly Report

June 2024 |PDF|123 KB
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*Ratings apply to Cartesio X

Institutional Class


Management: 1.00% of assets
Custody: 0.043%


ISIN: LU0581202592


BNP Paribas Securities Services

“Clean” Class (MIFID II – Independent Advice Clients)


Management: 0.65% of assets and 7.5% of annual performance
Custody: 0,043%


ISIN: LU1725678863


BNP Paribas Securities Services

NAV Chart


Date: 12 Julio 2024
  • RETURN (P.A.)
  • 3 years
  • 5 years**
  • 10 years**
  • Since Inception**
  • Cartesio Equity
  • 3,3%
  • 2,4%
  • 1,9%
  • 3,7%
  • European Equities (MSPE)
  • -4,9%
  • -1,7%
  • 1,3%
  • 3,2%
  • 3 years
  • 5 years*
  • 10 years*
  • Since Inception*
  • Cartesio Equity
  • 5,2%
  • 6,2%
  • 4,9%
  • 4,1%
  • European Equities (MSPE)
  • 8,2%
  • 7,0%
  • 5,7%
  • 5,2%
  • 3 years
  • 5 years*
  • 10 years*
  • Since Inception*
  • Cartesio Equity
  • 0,46%
  • 0,33%
  • 0,38%
  • 0,64%
  • European Equities (MSPE)
  • -0,71%
  • -0,30%
  • 0,21%
  • 0,42%
*Inception date Cartesio Income: 30/04/2011. Data prior to this date correspond to Cartesio X

Net Asset Value

Download the daily Net Asset Value

Net Asset Value | XLS | 240 KB

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Acceso a Cartesio X

Investment Objetive

Long term capital appreciation in real terms in Euros. Seeks higher risk adjusted returns (Sharpe ratio) than Euro government bonds (Bloomberg/EFFA Euro Gov 7-10 yr Index). Strong emphasis on capital protection.

Acceso a Cartesio Y

Investment Objetive

Long term capital appreciation in real terms in Euros. Seeks higher risk adjusted returns (Sharpe ratio) than European Equities represented by the MSCI Europe Net Total Return. Willingness to forego potential returns in order to give an adequate capital protection.

Acceso a Cartesio Equity

Investment Objetive

Similar to Cartesio Y.Long term capital appreciation in real terms in Euros. Seeks higher risk adjusted returns (Sharpe ratio) than European Equities represented by the MSCI Europe Net Total Return. Willingness to forego potential returns in order to give an adequate capital protection.